Monday, June 13, 2016

Insight on Kasich as the Republican Candidate

Steve M. from the liberal blog Crooks and Liars voices his concern about the next Republican candidate for those who vehemently oppose Trump in his post Your Liberal Media: New YorkTimes Ed Board Begs Republicans to Back Kasich. The post seems to be geared towards more liberal republicans or independents who are borderline between voting democratic or republican. Steve M. mentions the two potential Republican candidates Ted Cruz and John Kasich. He explains that Kasich has been portrayed by the media as a less conservative “nice guy” and a different type of Republican. He then goes on to show the pure hypocrisy of this claim.

I agree with Steve M. and appreciate him for posting this. The policies that Kasich supports are textbook Republican G.O.P.  Kasich’s support for anti-abortion legislation definitely does not make him pro-choice. His desire to cut the top tax bracket from 39.6% to 28% sounds like the conservative ideology of less taxes (especially since most Republicans tends to be wealthier). And Senate Bill 5, which Kasich signed, prevents methods for worker unions to gain increases in wages which doesn’t seem the slightest bit democratic.  

But when it comes down to it, the G.O.P.’s desire to find the “best” candidate is just a heated fight amongst Republicans within the Republican Party. All three candidates have the same conservative ideologies but in different shades. The important choice is in the presidential election. Hardcore Democrats will vote Democrat; hardcore Republicans will vote Republican. However, the real decision will be made by the independents and moderates.  

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