Sunday, June 12, 2016

Republican Party won't necessarily lose the Hispanic vote

While I by no means agree with Donald Trump’s policy towards Mexicans, I do not agree with the outcome concluded by The Editorial Board in the New York Times in the article The G.O.P.’s Latino Crucible. The article is aimed towards the general population of the U.S. who have a surface level interest in politics. It takes a relatively non-partisan perspective, perhaps leaning a little left due to explaining the potential negative ramifications Donald Trump’s policies will have on the G.O.P. 

The author claims that Donald Trump is alienating the Hispanics from the Republican Party and will lose the majority of their votes in the upcoming presidential election. The author, however, lacks some crucial facts. Donald Trump’s policies are directed primarily towards illegal immigrants, those who are not citizens of the United States. These illegal immigrants tend to compete with first generation Hispanics who are born in the United States for jobs. Therefore, it would be beneficial for the population of the Hispanics in the U.S. who are citizens and have the ability to vote to remove their illegal competition from the U.S. 

In addition, the author fails to mention that while the portion of the electorate that is Hispanic has certainly risen, Hispanics have historically voted in lower percentages than whites and blacks. In order for the Hispanic vote to truly count against the Republican Party, the new Hispanic voters, the majority of whom are likely to be those just turned 18 and therefore probably have more democratic ideologies due to their age, will have to be mobilized.

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