Monday, June 6, 2016

Obama Eagerly Supports Clinton Against Trump

New York Times reports that President Obama has recently decided to help in the campaign for Hillary Clinton as her eminent nomination as the Democratic presidential candidate draws nearer. The White House purports that Obama could help sway the perspective of independent voters in states which he won in the 2012 election. However, critics warn that Obama's energetic and charismatic character could overshadow the now exhausted Hillary Clinton.
The additional Democratic support for Clinton is a sharp contrast from the Republican's desire to oust Trump as their next presidential candidate. The fragment that is starting to form in the Republican political party could potentially lead to a realignment to a Democratic and liberal America if Hillary wins the election. Opinion polls shows that Obama's approval rating is 50% compared to the 20% approval rating Bush held before the 2008 election. These polls give an indication, although by no means concrete, that America is starting to realign its political perspective from Republican to Democrat.

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